About Us

Principal Investigator

Betar Gallant
Associate Professor
Class of ’22 Career Development Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Email: bgallant at mit.edu
Betar Gallant is an Associate Professor and the Class of 1922 Career Development Professor in Mechanical Engineering at MIT. Dr. Gallant completed her SB (‘08), SM (‘10) and PhD (‘13) degrees in the same department. After graduating, Dr. Gallant was a Kavli Nanoscience Institute Prize Postdoctoral Fellow at Caltech in the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
Dr. Gallant is the recipient of multiple awards including an MIT Bose Fellow, Army Research Office Young Investigator Award, Scialog Fellow in Energy Storage and in Negative Emissions Science, NSF CAREER Award, the Ruth and Joel Spira Award for Distinguished Teaching at MIT, the Electrochemical Society Battery Division Early Career award, an ECS-Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship, the ECS Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award, the MIT Faculty Founders $100k Breakthrough Technology Prize and the ACS Energy & Fuels Division Glenn Award.
Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. Haining Gao
Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022
B.Eng. Tsinghua University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
Email: gaoh at mit.edu
Graduate Students

Aaron Melemed
B.S.M.E. Purdue University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2015
Email: amelemed at mit.edu

Elizabeth Bernhardt
B.S.E University of Michigan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2020
Email: elizbern at mit.edu

Gi-Hyun Byun
B.S.E. Seoul National University,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering 2022
Email: ghbyun at mit.edu

Alejandro Sevilla
B.S.M.E Duke University
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Material Science, 2020
Email: asevilla at mit.edu

Fang-Yu Kuo
B.S. National Taiwan University, 2019
Email: fykuo at mit.edu

Katherine Steinberg
B.S.E. Case Western Reserve University, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 2019
Email: kjsteinb at mit.edu

Dhyllan Adan Skiba
Boston University
B.S. Mechanical Engineering
B.S. Computer Engineering, 2021
Email: dhyllan at mit.edu

Stephanie Nicole Ross
B.M.E University of Delaware
Department of Mechanical Engineering 2022
M.S.M.E University of Delaware
Department of Mechanical Engineering 2023
Email: stross@mit.edu

Kyle Jiang
B.S.M.E. Georgia Tech
Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2020
Email: ksjiang at mit.edu

Zheng Yong Toh
B.Eng (Aerospace) Nanyang Technological University
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2018
Email: zytoh@mit.edu

Chien-Rung Shih
B.S.E. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry 2023
Email: crshih@mit.edu
Our Alumni
Postdoctoral Associates
- Dr. Graham Leverick (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Tufts University)
- Dr. Gustavo Hobold (SES Li Metal Battery)
- Dr. Maryam Abdinejad (MIT)
- Dr. Mingfu He (SES Li Metal Battery)
- Dr. Sung Eun Jerng (Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Energy Engineering, University of Suwon, South Korea)
- Dr. Kyeong-Ho Kim (Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pukyong National University, South Korea)
Masters students:
- Yuanda Li (S.M., MIT Mechanical Engineering)
- Stefano Pineda (MIT Mechanical Engineering, Draper Fellow)
- Olivia Pfeiffer (MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
PhD students:
- Dr. Aliza Khurram (currently Postdoctoral Researcher, MIT)
- Rui Guo (Battery Electrochemical Modeling engineer, Apple)
- Dr. Haining Gao (currently Kavanaugh Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT)
Undergraduate Thesis, MIT Mechanical Engineering:
- Luke Hartnett (SB thesis, MechE)
- Rebecca Kestin (SB thesis, MechE)
- Christopher Mutty (SB thesis, MechE)
Visiting students:
- Luc Gendre, Ecoles des Mines, Paris, France
- Matthias Reininger, ETH Zurich
- Yu Wang, Tsinghua University
- Lucrezia Cartocci, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Lorenz Kopp, Technical University of Munich
Undergraduate student researchers:
- Mohammed Al Jashmi (MechE)
- Suji Balfe (MechE)
- Nicole Jacobsen (ChemE)
- Lyndie Mitchell (MechE)
- Thanh Nha Nguyen (MechE)
- Victoria Petrov (DMSE)
- Jocelyn Tang (MechE)